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About HEY!


We don’t believe that our young people need to sit and wait for the leadership baton to be passed to them; it’s time for them to start running and take it! HEY! was created to cultivate, encourage and mentor young people to identify and meet the needs of their ever changing world. With this in mind, HEY! focuses on three initiatives to address those needs: Sport For Good S.T.E.A.M., the EMPOWERED! Leadership Academy,  and the HEY! Let's Read! Book Festival for Children of Color. 


In addition, we are adamant about meeting the needs of the young people serve as those needs arise.  While being mission driven is important to an organization, being able to pivot based on what our youth need is paramount to the success of HEY! As a result, our current needs based initiative is focused on providing alternatives and options for the "ATL Water Boyz" while helping to change the narrative of young black male youth in the city of Atlanta.  

With all that has been shared about our work, in 2019, HEY! introduced their collaboration with Built For This to provide Mental Health First Aid training for  adult leaders who serve young people in schools, churches and communities. We cannot serve youth and not address and meet the needs of their growing mental and emotional health. 

HEY! is one of the premier youth leadership development organizations in the Metro Atlanta area and is working hard to ensure that young people are equipped in leading themselves. HEY! challenges youth to stake claim, prepare, and take action ensuring a positive, successful, and impactful future.

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